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Hata Yoga sul Lago di Como

Stefano Audisio presenta: Corso di Hata Yoga Lo yoga è una disciplina antichissima, comprende una vasta gamma di tecniche, che con approcci differenti consentono un riequilibrio globale della persona sul piano fisico, mentale ed emozionale. Le posizioni (asana) portano all’allungamento muscolare, maggiore elasticità, rilassamento, equilibrio e forza. Le tecniche di respirazione consentono di controllare, riscoprire e padroneggiare il respiro attraverso […]

Ricordi d'estate

Villa Paradiso seen through the eyes of a child

  The drawing was made by Fabio, 11 years old from Essen (Germany) during his vacation with his family on Lake Como. In an age of virtual relationships, receiving  a so spontaneous and sincere gift by our little guest is immensely rewarding … Villa Paradiso is a family friendly accommodation on Lake Como and families with children are very special […]


Pet friendly holidays on Lake Como

Hi furry Friend, Are you looking for a pet friendly accommodation that welcome you as well as your family with open arms? Then look no further, for  the search is over! Here at Villa Paradiso we are mad about pets, we provide you an apartment that leave you and your owner in complete bliss. Villa Paradiso is surrounded by breath-taking […]